
Sunday 26 January 2014

169/African Harrier Hawk/Kaalwangvalk

It is the largest hawk in the region. The photo were taken on a lamp post in the town of Bela Bela.

Monday 20 January 2014

85 Abdin's Stork - Klein Swartooievaar

This Stork were seen at Rhino and Lion Park in Jan 2014. To identify this bird the red knees and red feet is unmistakable.

Monday 6 January 2014

392 Barn Owl

447 Lilac Breasted Roller

446 European Roller

433 Woodland Kingfisher

The top part of the beak is red whilst the bottom part is black

238 Black Bellied Bustard

298 Water Thick Knee

The horizontal "stripe" on the side of the bird is indicative of the species

266 Wood Sandpiper

74 Green Backed Heron

The photo were taken at Lake Panic in Kruger National Park

62 Grey Heron

182 Greater Kestrel

162 Southren Pale Chanting Goshawk

123 White Backed Vulture

140 Martial Eagle